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New products!!! Infant Bubble CPAP


New products!!!  --- Infant Bubble CPAP

Bubble CPAP is a sort of special medical equipment for supporting of babies breath which devised and manufactured based on the wide application of closed continuous NCPAP in department of pediatrics. It uses on the course of ventilation treatment of Nasal-CPAP for premature, neonate, infant to children below 14 year old. The mode of CPAP can reduce babies WOB effectively, while keeping the autonomous respiration well.


Supply a safe and controllable FIO2;

Keep the FRC effectively;

Reduce infants WOB;

Reduce the need of invasive mechanical ventilation;

Supply better warm and humid gas;

Reduce the occurrence rate of the CLD;

Improve the physical sighs, such as height, weight.

Matching solution of Medical Air Compressor:

Max exhausting pressure: 0.7MPa

Output pressure: 0.20MPa~0.30MPa

Flow: >25L/ruin


Performance parameter:

FIO2: 21%~100%

Flow: 0~18LPM

CPAP pressure: 0.3~1.0kPa(3~10H2O)

Water capacity of Generator: 500ml or more

Alarmthe differential pressure> 0.1MPa, sound alarm

Common parameter:

Pressure of oxygen and air: 0.3MPa~0.4MPa

Power: 220V AC 50Hz

Certification: ISO 13485 CE


Matching with Medical Electric Respiratory humidifier(PN-2000F/FA)

Working temperature: 30℃~37℃

Max temperature of heating plate: 85℃

Capacity of Chamber280ml(F-Adult); 230ml(FA-Infant)

Max flow: 180L/min

Max working pressure: 2kPa

CPAP Generator:

1. It is easy to set the oscillating gas pressure from 75pxH2O to 250pxH2O through adjusting the CPAP pressure bar.

2. The automatic regulating mechanism of water-level ensure the constant CPAP pressure.

3. The dismountable chamber is very convenient.